New feature request: Frame redirect funtion for ISPConfig3

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Hans, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    For clients, I would like to have the redirect function "Frame redirect" in ISPConfig3.
    With a frame redirect it is possible to point to another location on the Internet, while the Internet adsress in the browser does not change.
    It is a simple and for clients easy to understand ay to realise this without knowledge of DNS.

    Example: the client has a website on the ISPConfig3 server (www.source-domain.tld) and wants to redirect to without changing www.source-domain.tld in the browser.
    This frame redirect can be realised by putting the the following index.html file in the directory "web"of the site on your ISPConfig3 server:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN"
    </title>		</head>
    <frameset rows="*,0">
    <frame src="" name="Your main frame"
    marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"
    <body>Your browser does not support frames. Please click <a

    Within ISPConfig3, under the "Website" function, it would be a nice place for the function "Frame redirect".
    It could work like this:
    Click on "Frame redirect"
    Then the client selects the website from the website list which he wants to redirect and gives a destination address in a field.
    A warning appears, which says that any existing index.html in de webfolder of the chosen website will be overwritten with a new index.html file, containing the frame redirect.
    Then ISPConfig3 generates the code above within the web folder of the chosen website.

    Something like that.

    I think it's a nice idea, what do you tnink?
  2. Bimon

    Bimon New Member

    Frames are outdated! There're alternatives.


    You can read this in Bugtracker comments too:

    I think it's not a good idea to add frames. They're outdated.
    Did you ever press refresh on a website which is build on frames? It's horrible!

    If your clients want to use Google Sites, they (or you) could also register a Google Apps account to have Google Sites with your own domain.
    Google Apps Standard:
    Click on Get started, this version of Google Apps is free, but limited to 50 user accounts per domain.

    Otherwise you could also use a combination of PHP and JavaScript (with Ajax requests). I would recommend jQuery ( for this. It's just easy ;-)

    Simon Kurka

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