New functions in Remoting class

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by jmontoya, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. jmontoya

    jmontoya New Member


    I'm planning to add a list of new functions in the remoting library:

    What do you think?


    // Gets all sites by a user and group
    public function client_get_sites_by_user($session_id$sys_userid$sys_groupid) {

    //Change the active status to "n"
    public function sites_web_domain_inactive($session_id$primary_id) {

    //Change the active status to "y"
    public function sites_web_domain_active($session_id$primary_id) {

    //Get client info by ISPCongfig username
    public function client_get_by_username($session_id$username) {

    //Changes a client password
    public function client_change_password($session_id$client_id$new_password) {

    //Display a list of current functions
    public function get_function_list($session_id) {

    //Get all database by client
    public function sites_database_get_all_by_user($session_id$client_id$params)

    //Get all templates
    public function client_templates_get_all($session_id$params) {

    //Get all dns zones by client
    public function dns_zone_get_by_user($session_id$client_id$params) {

    //change the status of the dns zone to 'n'
    public function dns_zone_inactive($session_id$primary_id) {

    //change the status of the dns zone to 'y'
    public function dns_zone_active($session_id$primary_id) {

  2. frontline

    frontline New Member


    These functions are already implemented in ISPConfig 3.0.3 ?
  3. jmontoya

    jmontoya New Member

    Those functions are already in the SVN trunk of ISPConfig
  4. frontline

    frontline New Member


    I just installed ISPConfig 3.0.3 and the functions are not available in official distribution.

    Are the new functions available only in SVN ?
  5. jmontoya

    jmontoya New Member

    Those functions are available in the SVN trunk. There are not yet in the stable branch.

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