Hello! I'm planning to add a list of new functions in the remoting library: What do you think? PHP: // Gets all sites by a user and group public function client_get_sites_by_user($session_id, $sys_userid, $sys_groupid) { //Change the active status to "n" public function sites_web_domain_inactive($session_id, $primary_id) { //Change the active status to "y" public function sites_web_domain_active($session_id, $primary_id) { //Get client info by ISPCongfig username public function client_get_by_username($session_id, $username) { //Changes a client password public function client_change_password($session_id, $client_id, $new_password) { //Display a list of current functions public function get_function_list($session_id) { //Get all database by client public function sites_database_get_all_by_user($session_id, $client_id, $params) //Get all templates public function client_templates_get_all($session_id, $params) { //Get all dns zones by client public function dns_zone_get_by_user($session_id, $client_id, $params) { //change the status of the dns zone to 'n' public function dns_zone_inactive($session_id, $primary_id) { //change the status of the dns zone to 'y' public function dns_zone_active($session_id, $primary_id) {
Hello. I just installed ISPConfig 3.0.3 and the functions are not available in official distribution. Are the new functions available only in SVN ?