New installation -> SSL-Certificates not valid

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by muelli75, Nov 21, 2020.

  1. muelli75

    muelli75 Member


    After some heavy errors on my old server after upgrading to ispconfig 3.2, i decided to move to a new server (Debian Buster).
    We did the necessary work by following

    Then old server is known as
    Then new server is known as

    On the new server is a testdomain established called, webspace and mailservice is running. I used the ispconfig-builtin SSL-certificate-LE to "secure" this webspace.

    I write this down, maybe this is important because of botcerts handling of the "".

    ispconfig 3.2 is running well, if I access the webinterface, the certificate is valid (green symbol in Firefox, verfied by LetsEncrypt)
    If I access the main-webspace by - a certificate-warning appears. On the default-webspace is now the certificate for active. Therefore the error, i think.

    How can I change this behavior?

    Thanks for hints!

    Last edited: Nov 21, 2020
  2. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You probably created a Let's Encrypt certificate for the panel when installing ISPConfig. But the website "" doesn't exist yet, so it shows the content of the first active domain, So you should add as a website and enable LE for it.
  3. muelli75

    muelli75 Member

    Thanks for that answer!

    Is it safe to do that? Because of the new ispconfig-certificate-function (SSL for postfix, FTP, dovecot)
    Since my old server is full of bugs because of the new function i am careful ...

    How get the ispc-panel its LEcert if the domain and subdomain of the FQDN is occopied of an virtual host?

    Sorry for this questions, but i want to be careful.
  4. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, it should be no problem. What do you mean with full of bugs because of the new function? Maybe it is better to fix that instead of doing a complicated migration?

    What do you mean with
  5. muelli75

    muelli75 Member

    My question above in detail:
    ISPConfigs 3.2 new feature
    – Support for requesting a Let’s Encrypt certificate for the panel, Postfix, Dovecot, and Pure-FTPd on install/upgrade​

    This feature I want to use. On my old server I did this by following
    the tut for the panel is unknown.

    I upgraded from 3.1 to 3.2 *without* using the new feature. But after the upgrade the mailsystem had crashed. We were not able to recive any mails but we could send. This happend two times - so I want to leave the old system.

    I got support from ISPConfig Business Support which helped enormously fast and competent to re-run our services. But i think the old machine become a bit unstable over the years. So i thought its a good point to start a new server - without any testing-experiments which I did on the old years ago.

    On the old machine exists your described subdomain "coffe" and because of the mail-issue-experience i am now more careful.

    For my better understanding and of course some learnings, i ask how get ISPConfig-panel its LEcertificate if I use for my personal hosting.

    Thanks for a short explain!

  6. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    I haven't used the new system to get a certificate for my services so I am not sure if adding a site with the same domain as your hostname would conflict, though it should not. Maybe @ahrasis can tell you more about the implementation.

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