NEW Samba Intallation

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by Jose Fazenda, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. Jose Fazenda

    Jose Fazenda New Member

    I am a Linux beginner, I have Debian 8 and followed the guide in

    It all went very well and Samba was already working fine until I may have made a mistake and spoiled everything.
    Before I started the procedure in this tutorial I had created a directory "shares" in my home directory because I thought I would put the shared files there (bad influence from Win).
    After I completed the installation and everything was working fine, I noticed that the another folder called "shares" had been created in the root directory and saw a folder with the same name in my home directory, which I thought was not needed so i used root privileges to remove it.
    I suspect that was a bad mistake because after that I cannot access samba anymore. I guess that folder in my home directory had become some link to the share data folders /allusers and /anonymous in the root area.
    How can I correct that, or delete everything and do a new installation from scratch?

    I will appreciate any help anyone can give me.
  2. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Probably recreating the folders + restarting samba or server will do
    Jose Fazenda likes this.
  3. Jose Fazenda

    Jose Fazenda New Member

    Thanks ztk,
    I did recreate the directories, but first I used
    apt-get purge samba
    apt-get purge samba common
    apt-get install samba
    It is working fine now. Oooof ! A lot of wasted time, but I learned a bit more :)
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