new to ubuntu

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by gtoman, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. gtoman

    gtoman New Member

    i'm running ubuntu 6.0. i downloaded Limewire music program and theres a folder on my desktop. i opened it and saw Limewire.exe and tried to open it but it gives me an error msg saying it can't display it. i have no idea which of the other folders i need to open to install the program so i can download music. i'm new to ubuntu so i need some help on how to install and use new software programs.
    thanks, Jim
  2. TheRudy

    TheRudy Member

    You downloaded the worng version i guess..

    Ubuntu has a very nice yet very powerfull tool called apt.

    Use commands like, in console:

    to update the database do:
    apt-get update

    to search this database for software:
    apt-cache search Limewire

    to install software do:
    apt-get install Limewire

    You also have Synaptic manager or something similar which is the same as APT in console but it has GUI if you are not that comfortable with console.

    Oh and .exe can't be run on linux..

    You might want to read:
  3. domino

    domino New Member

    Okay here's the deal. Most multimedia codecs aren't install in dapper due to licencing restrictions. Run a script named automatix and it will install mos of everything you need and the kitchen sink.
  4. crudolphy

    crudolphy New Member


    You may want to have a look at EasyUbuntu at the following link:

    They have a script that you download that gets most everything multimedia working. I have not personally used it but I know of one person who has and so far the only problem he has mentioned is seeing the latest version of quick time movie trailers embedded in his browser. Other than that he can watch DVD's, play CD's, MP3's, etc.

    Chuck Rudolphy
  5. crudolphy

    crudolphy New Member

    EasyUbuntu works well with one exception

    I just recently installed Ubuntu 6.06 LTS following the VMWare server How to. Because Ubuntu will be my main OS/Desktop of choice, I installed the EasyUbuntu script and ran it.

    One of the choices is to un-install the Totem-Gstreamer and replace it with the Totem-Xine package for watchind dvd's etc. This is the one area that it did not work. I opened up Synaptic, found that the Totem-Gstreamer package was still installed. I selected to un-install this, and install the Totem-Xine package along with the Firefox-Xine plugin. Installation went without a hitch.

    I am now able to watch commercial encrypted DVD's with Totem on my computer with full 5.1 surround sound. I am able to watch streaming media in every format I have encountered so far. This includes WMV and QuickTime files. I highly recommend this package for multimedia in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS.


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