Hi, My ISPc3 install now seems Ok. (Thanks you guys!) I have created a test client and a test site but can't figure out how to get to the welcome page of the new site. I can see the web folder in /var/www/www.testsite.co.uk/web and the index.html file within that. My server isn't facing the internet yet, it's on If I go to or I get: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /www.testsite.co.uk/index.html on this server. Where should I be looking? Slowhand
Sorry, it came to me... I edited my /etc/.hosts file on my *client* computer (OSX) and added Code: www.testsite.co.uk Just in case it helps anyone else... S
But I find this doesn't work with ftp... What ftp settings can I use? Edit: It *does* work with ftp. I didn't see that my username was testsitesimon. I thought it was just simon. Getting there... S