Newb to ISPConfig

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by simple69, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. simple69

    simple69 New Member

    Hello all,

    I followed Falko's tutorial on the Perfect Server 9.04 with ISPConfig 3. Went through with out a problem and I have everything working now fine with my DynDns sites and the 4 domains that I have registered with various places as well.

    With this install I did the MyDNS as well because I have been using ZoneEdit which gives you 5 free zones for DNS. Since I have MyDNS now and I have used all 5 zone with ZoneEdit and don't really want to pay for additional zones I was thinking of taking advantage of the DNS with this server setup. I am a complete newb really to the Linux world and ISPConfig. I can usually follow directions and figure things out but understanding how they work is another thing. :)

    Anyways what do I have to do. I have setup my as, I registered and have this domain in I created 2 A(IP) records and that point to my IP Address. I then registed the name servers to my IP address and to my ip address with ZoneEdit. I only have 1 IP address and I am not sure how if I got a second I would connect it to my server.

    Anyways I hope you can get some idea out of what I am trying to do and maybe help me out. I just want to be able to register a domain name and provide the hosting from my computer with out having to get DNS from some other place.. :) thanks.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you have a static IP or a dynamic one?
  3. fhawk

    fhawk New Member

    You dont't need create the A records( to your ip.
    You shoud register a nameserver under you domain,example!

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