newbie need ur help.....

Discussion in 'General' started by pnoi2bo, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. pnoi2bo

    pnoi2bo New Member

    my box was runnning centos and ispconfig. yesterday it is working good, i made a hard shut down on my computer. i tried to run my server again but the problem is when everytime it reaches the ispconfig service(99% mark) my box hangup. i don't know what to do. is my box is dead? how can i recover all the datas/info on my server.
    thank you
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can try to boot your server from a linux rescue CD like knoppix, mount your harddisk and disable the ISPConfig start / stop script. then try to boot again.
  3. pnoi2bo

    pnoi2bo New Member

    sorry for the late response but i can't get it, please point tell me what command do i need to type. thanks alot
  4. pnoi2bo

    pnoi2bo New Member

    i got the rescue and mounted my drive i even put stop on that service but when i tried to run my box on normal mode, still hung on the ispconfig service... what do i do next? please help......:(
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can try an ISPConfig re-install (don't delete the old installation!). The installer will see that ISPConfig is already installed and perform an upgrade. With this upgrade all broken files should get replaced.

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