newbie question-laugh if you want

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Wareagle, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. Wareagle

    Wareagle New Member

    i have four servers running at present two that i am trying to mirror with rysnc tutorial. both are running debain etch. and both have ispconfig 2.2.9 on them. one is the main server and the other i just want to use as a backup like the tutorial. i started with rysnc and then got called away on more important stuff but got far enough that i did copy files from one to the other. ok heres the question.....
    can i expect to be able to see all the site stats in ispconfig (on the second box,,mirror). i am assuming that if i do all of the tutorials. rysnc, mysql, load balancer.. that the data bases will work in the mirror.
    or do i need to use something different to acomplish this ?
    looking for advice..

    on a different note all servers are setup from your tutorials. except for one and that was setup from two tutorials of yours because that was a backend app server. you are the man falko!

    thank you
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can use rsync for normal files, but for MySQL, I'd set up replication. Then the databases will work on the mirror as well.

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