newbie trying to understand postfix log

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by martini, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. martini

    martini New Member


    I run a server on FC4 with postfix. Each day I receive an logwatch email with a section for Postfix. I'm trying to understand this section as I'm worried that I'm sending spam emails from my box.

    Could someone explain to me what the "38 messages removed from queue" means, as sometimes its less than the "messages sent".

    Heres an example of my logwatch email

    Many thanks in advance


    --------------------- postfix Begin ------------------------

    280720 bytes transferred
    38 messages sent
    38 messages removed from queue

    Foreign Bounce: 15, 22 Time(s)

    Messages rejected using Anti-Spam site 178 Time(s) identified 16 spam messages. identified 104 spam messages. identified 58 spam messages.

    Connections lost:
    Connection lost while CONNECT : 14 Time(s)
    Connection lost while DATA : 152 Time(s)
    Connection lost while MAIL : 51 Time(s)
    Connection lost while RCPT : 19 Time(s)

    Unrecognized warning:
    /usr/libexec/postfix/trivial-rewrite: bad command startup -- throttling : 1 Time(s) RBL lookup error: Host or domain name not found. Name service error for type=A: Host not found, try again : 1 Time(s) RBL lookup error: Host or domain name not found. Name service error for type=A: Host not found, try again : 1 Time(s)
    process /usr/libexec/postfix/trivial-rewrite pid 28805 killed by signal 11 : 1 Time(s)

    ---------------------- postfix End -------------------------

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