Hi, Does ISPConfig support setting up nextjs website? if yes, how would I go set it up? Thanks, Rehan
not in an easy fashion. You'd need to add the configuration to reverse proxy to the node-server in your website config yourself. This depends on what you use, nginx or apache or..... These configuration snippets can be placed at the websites options tab or as a global predefined snippet.
I am using apache. Do you mean that I create a website using ISPConfig UI and then add the proxypass config to send the traffic to node server (running on port 3000)? Also where does the code go for nextjs website?
well, unfortunally there is no easy wizzard for ispconfig I am aware of. You could in theory set the documentroot for your website to a different folder Use Composer and different PHP Versions You could add the needed applications to jailkit to allow a save execution https://forum.howtoforge.com/threads/configuring-wp-cli-in-jailkit.91841/ Not sure how I'd integrate https://pm2.keymetrics.io/ into that, but ... yes it is not too easy. Plesk can do that, however it's expensive crap from a system administrators point, good from users perspective though. I did a chroot pm2 once, it was a nightmare in regards of finding node modules and everything. It did work eventually but it was waaay too dirty
yes. I guess using Docker might be a better solution Run node in a Docker container and proxy the website traffic to the port that the node Docker container exposes from an ISPConfig website using Apache/Nginx directives.
I tried that and the proxy pass works. Added following to the "Apache Directives" section in website "Options" Code: ProxyRequests on ProxyPass /check.html ! ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3000/ "/var/www/clients/client1/web11/web" is the folder created for new website by ISPConfig. Should the node website files be placed under this folder? (if Docker is not used)
Definitelly, Yes!, you have to place your NodeJS Proyect under your new created ISPconfig website project. I follow your proposal solution and I could ran a NodeJS App. while you will test it, run the command: Code: node app.js when you finished your test, You must run it using the command Code: pm2 start app.js Of course you must have installed pm2 service. Thanks for your ProxyPass solution.