nextcloud with smb share data folder

Discussion in 'General' started by FredZ, Dec 22, 2024.

  1. FredZ

    FredZ Member

    I am attempting to install nextcloud but use an smb share for the data folder.

    My setup on the Samba Server:
    Mounted the share /mnt/nextcloud
    Created account webID from the ISPc server.
    Chown -R webID:clientID /mnt/nextcloud
    Created the share with webID as the user.

    My setup from the ISPc server:
    create mount point /mnt/nextcloud
    chown webID:clientID /mnt/nextcloud
    Mounted the share in fstab with the user credentials from the smb server (no errors).
    Can read/write the share from the ISPc server as root.
    Added /mnt/nextcloud to the PHP open_basedir:

    Go to install nextcloud using /mnt/nextcloud for the data directory and I get the error that it cannot write to the data directory.

    I'm at a bit of a loss as to what I'm missing.

    Server: (Debian Bookworm) ISPConfig 3.2.12p1
    Nextcloud Version 30.0.4



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