Hi all, I have installed nfdump and nfsen in the Ubuntu 20.04. nfdump installation was successful and started to collect data from the router. But the front end tool nfsen also went okay but it ends with error message rrdtool mismatch, the current is I have installed is 1.7.But the nfsen is not supporting the version. Even I have changed the version on the nfRRD file but nothing works. Please any suggestions.
Maybe nfsen version 1.6.18 would work? Seems it is meant for Ubuntu 20.04. Where did you get the nfsen 1.7 you installed? I am assuming you installed nfdump with apt install nfdump? https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/20.04/ubuntu-universe-arm64/nfdump_1.6.18-2_arm64.deb.html Sorry, my bad. I got confused or posted wrong link, or something. This is nfsen that is supposed to work on Ubuntu 20.04: https://github.com/mbolli/nfsen-ng