NFS /var/www ? or alternative options

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by scottbexhill, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. scottbexhill

    scottbexhill New Member

    Hi I have some servers in azure and want to take advantage if the load balancing although I'm having issues with split content.

    I'm using unison but it needs to be activated on change rather than on cron

    In a multiserver config is it possible to network mount the www folder of the master server in order for it to be used and written to by the slave?

    I tried this by setting up an NFS and mounting it and it appeared to work for a minute then broke in a big way causing ls command in www to simply return error on both servers.

    Is this possible or should I give up?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    you can use nfs for /var/www
  3. scottbexhill

    scottbexhill New Member

    EDIT** Just seen Connect Linux userid to webid looking nto that now :)***

    Hi Till Thanks for your response :)

    I got it working perfectly with the existing sites

    I have one more question though.

    For NFS
    server 1 (master ispconfig server) is the client
    server 2 (slave isp config server) is the server

    Newly created websites created by ispconfig get set with correct permissions eg webxx:clientxx on server 1 but server 2 sees them as 5014:client1 if i chown on server 2 it simply swaps over.

    how would i resolve this have looked at suggestion for LDAP but unsure how to approach?

    Should i have the NFS folder as a seperate entity eg /var/data and mount that to both server 1 and server2 /var/www :confused:
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    seems as if you did not activate the connect userid to webid option under system > server config > web as described in the ispconfig mirror tutorial.

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