I have a multiserver ISPConfig installation with a webserver running nginx. and I have an older stand allone mailsystem with a webmail running apache2-2.2.12-1.38.2 on SuSE with self signed certificate not reachable from the internet. So I like to reach it via a reverse proxy. I created a website with ISPConfig on the web server running ngnix and secured it with let's encrypt. Works fine so long. Automatic redirection from http to https works too. But what have i to write to the nginx Directives on the options page to make it a reverse proxy. Searching now for hours on the net here and anywhere but can not find a real solution. nginx as proxy before apache is recommended many times but can't find a sample. need hint or link to solution Thanks Rainer,
There is a proxy redirect type in the website settings which i should handle that (I've never used it myself).
Thanks but what I want is a reverse proxy, no simple redirektion. so to get near I created a simple hello world website on the apache and a nginx directive [location / { proxy_pass http://my_server.mydomian.tld; }] that works than I modified it instead of my_server ... to my internal mediawiki on the same server that fails with a 403 as nginx seam to search the pass localy instead of passing it to the backend server, I can not understand why while accessing the mediawiki direct works fine Again what I need is a working sample for a reverse proxy with nginx Thanks for help
This is a false statement. Not only there are tutorial, there also threads discussing the same and they do work.
OK some things are easier than expected but still problem with ssl. It works with the simple hello world and a self signed cert but with the webmail app on the older server I get 502 and error like below [*2 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:141A318A:SSL routines:tls_process_ske_dhe:dh key too small) while SSL handshaking] on apache there are directives to ignore such problems, whats on nginx Thanks