nginx ispconfig3 Octobercms directives 404 [Solved]

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by bradgillap, Sep 24, 2017.

  1. bradgillap

    bradgillap New Member

    These are the directives that octobercms provides. I've tried without the rewrites, without the args etc.

    I can get to show phpinfo. Targeting with the octobercms index gives me the same 404. No related errors in /var/log/nginx/error.log

    It's probably worth noting the backend administration area works fine in one of the sub directories. /backend

    This was provided by octobercms

    location /{
    try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args;}

    rewrite ^themes/.*/(layouts|pages|partials)/.*.htm /index.php break;
    rewrite ^bootstrap/.*/index.php break;
    rewrite ^config/.*/index.php break;
    rewrite ^vendor/.*/index.php break;
    rewrite ^storage/cms/.*/index.php break;
    rewrite ^storage/logs/.*/index.php break;
    rewrite ^storage/framework/.*/index.php break;
    rewrite ^storage/temp/protected/.*/index.php break;
    rewrite ^storage/app/uploads/protected/.*/index.php break;
  2. bradgillap

    bradgillap New Member

    Nevermind, too many beers tonight.
    I had activated a blank theme.... so there was no include to show anything. Oh man.

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