hoping to figure out how to get redirects to same page to work. I currently have a redirect directive that works as shown below try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args; I am currently trying to make it so when people go to pay for an order and login through an api based plugin/app it will let them log in and be redirected back to their pay now link. currently this is not happening it is just redirecting to https://domain.fish/?redirect_to=https://domain.fish/my-account/ instead of domain.fish/my-account/ or back to the home page if I try to click pay now instead of a payment page link. I don't know if this is an issue that can be solved with directives but if this is not the correct directive would someone help me make one that works for all the normal things but also allows for same page redirects. If this is not something that can be solved wtih nginx please let me know. I have reached out to the developer of the plugin as well hoping to hear back soon.