Hi Team Can we create redirection like the official method: Like this for http to https version? This is the recommended method. server { server_name example.com; return 301 $scheme://www.example.com$request_uri; } server { server_name www.example.com; .... } Is it possible to do something like this by modifying nginx_vhost.conf.master? Code: <tmpl_if name='seo_redirect_enabled'> if ($http_host <tmpl_var name='seo_redirect_operator'> "<tmpl_var name='seo_redirect_origin_domain'>") { rewrite ^ $scheme://<tmpl_var name='seo_redirect_target_domain'>$request_uri? permanent; } </tmpl_if> Thanks
Yes, that should be possible. Remove the current part and add your code snippet outside of the server {} block. But I guess you will not notice any measurable difference unless you have millions of daily visitors in that site.