Hello I just install NGINX + ISPConfig3 but i have problems with subdomains. I just create one over Admin. Redirection no flag or last but when i have index.html i cant access subdomain like http://some.mysite.com only with /index.html BUT when i have index.php i can access subdomain without /index.php So where is problem? Why i can access subdomain without /index.html and nginx send me Error 500 but with index.php no... Code: server { listen *:80; server_name MYDOMAINl.com *.MYDOMAIN.com game.MYDOMAIN.com; root /var/www/MYDOMAIN/web; if ($http_host ~* "^game.MYDOMAIN.com$") { rewrite ^/(.+)$ /subtest/$1 last; } index index.html index.htm index.php index.cgi index.pl index.xhtml;
+ Additional info When i have in /var/www/MYDOMAIN/web file index.html and index.html in my subdomain folder == Work But when in my root /var/www/MYDOMAIN/web have index.php and in subdomain folder different type like index.html ISPConfig 3 redirect me to .php == Error 404 So how to setup subdomains on NGINX with ISPConfig 3 without this problems?