Nginx Subdomains

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Mariusz Rakowski, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Mariusz Rakowski

    Mariusz Rakowski New Member

    I'm pretty new to ISPConfig and nginx.
    I want to use subdomains on my website that point to subdirectories of the main domain, but i don't want to show the subdirectory in the address bar. For example
    Main Domain:
    Wiki: -> but the adress bar should still show
    I tried all the options in the subdomain configuration and it either was working yesterday or i was hallucinating due to the lateness of the hour :). I used with the proxy flag but today it is not working anymore.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The recommended way for subdomains that have their own directory is to create a new website for the subdomain by entering in the domain field of the website, this is the secure way. If you really want to have a subdomain in a directory of the main domain, then activate the subdomain vhost function and add it as vhsot subdomain.

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