After updating ISPconfig through terminal ( it is no longer possible to log-in. The following error appears: Error Username or Password empty. I had the same problem before but never found a solution, I ended up deleting the install and starting again but I have the same problem again after udpating, makes me nervous about updating if I have to keep starting over again.
I never had this problem after an update, so if you had this twice then you must have changed something in your configuration which makes your servers incompatible with ispconfig compared to the perfect server guides and we have ti find out what you changed so that you can change it back so that future updates will work. The error is most likely caused by mysql, it apears when ispcofig is not able to connect to mysql anymore. you can try to login to mysql with the login details from /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/
till, srijan, thanks a lot for the little push in the right direction Scratching my head trying to remember what I done differently and it was to replace MySQL with MariaDB...all I had to do on this occassion was to simply start Mysql...problem solved