No Ethernet - The Perfect Server - CentOS 6.4

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by wewillsee, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. wewillsee

    wewillsee New Member

    Good day!

    I have just subscribed. Downloaded “The Perfect Server - CentOS 6.4 x86_64 (Apache2, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)” (VirtualBox Image) (942.4 MB) (03/14/2013)

    Have a couple of questions:
    1. Why the images called “VMware Images” if they have nothing to do with VMware??? They are even not in “industry standard” OVA format. It’s quite misleading… And more even, they do not easily convert to OVA – you have to use the ovftool with -lax switch (which I don’t like!).

    2. After spending quite some time and finally importing the VM into my ESX cluster I have no networking. Only Loopback.

    I tried removing and adding a new Nic for that VM – no luck.

    There is no "sysconfig" folder under /etc at all…

    What am I missing???
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    We are using VirtualBox now for the virtual machines (VirtualBox Image). I'am sorry that some of the instructions were not updated yet. If you cant get it to work on your vmware server, then please contact me for a refund here:

    I just imported the vmdk file in my VMWare workstation 9 and the import worked without an error, the /etc/sysconfig directory is there. But I dont have a network connections as well, I will check that.

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