After setting up master/slave server, I manage to replicate all databases and files except that the websites configuration under /etc/nginx/sites-available/. The vhost file was not save under .vhost file. Instead, it was saved under vhost.err. The error under .vhost is: When I check the config on both servers, the master server has the following configuration: Code: listen; listen ssl http2; ssl_protocols TLSv1.3 TLSv1.2; ssl_certificate /var/www/clients/client3/web22/ssl/; ssl_certificate_key /var/www/clients/client3/web22/ssl/; server_name; While on the slave server, the IP and SSL certificate was not there: Code: listen :80; server_name; This is the error in nginx error log: Code: no host in ":80" of the "listen" directive in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ Using ISPConfig dashboard, I can't see the IP Address that belongs to the slave server. But under System > IP Address the IP is already there. So, I'm thinking that "listen :80" has blank IP because the system can't get it from ISPConfig. I already turned on the debugging in ISPConfig. Here's some relevant information I found: Code: 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [server:177] - Found 1 changes, starting update process. 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - Replicated from master: REPLACE INTO `web_domain` (`domain_id`,`sys_userid`,`sys_groupid`,`sys_ perm_user`,`sys_perm_group`,`sys_perm_other`,`server_id`,`ip_address`,`ipv6_address`,`domain`,`type`,`parent_domain_id`,`vhost_type`,`docume nt_root`,`web_folder`,`system_user`,`system_group`,`hd_quota`,`traffic_quota`,`cgi`,`ssi`,`suexec`,`errordocs`,`is_subdomainwww`,`subdomain` ,`php`,`ruby`,`python`,`perl`,`redirect_type`,`redirect_path`,`seo_redirect`,`rewrite_to_https`,`ssl`,`ssl_letsencrypt`,`ssl_letsencrypt_exc lude`,`ssl_state`,`ssl_locality`,`ssl_organisation`,`ssl_organisation_unit`,`ssl_country`,`ssl_domain`,`ssl_request`,`ssl_cert`,`ssl_bundle` ,`ssl_key`,`ssl_action`,`stats_password`,`stats_type`,`allow_override`,`apache_directives`,`nginx_directives`,`php_fpm_use_socket`,`php_fpm_ chroot`,`pm`,`pm_max_children`,`pm_start_servers`,`pm_min_spare_servers`,`pm_max_spare_servers`,`pm_process_idle_timeout`,`pm_max_requests`, `php_open_basedir`,`custom_php_ini`,`backup_interval`,`backup_copies`,`backup_format_web`,`backup_format_db`,`backup_encrypt`,`backup_passwo rd`,`backup_excludes`,`active`,`traffic_quota_lock`,`proxy_directives`,`last_quota_notification`,`rewrite_rules`,`added_date`,`added_by`,`di rective_snippets_id`,`enable_pagespeed`,`http_port`,`https_port`,`folder_directive_snippets`,`log_retention`,`proxy_protocol`,`server_php_id `,`jailkit_chroot_app_sections`,`jailkit_chroot_app_programs`,`delete_unused_jailkit`,`last_jailkit_update`,`last_jailkit_hash`) VALUES ('22 ','1','4','riud','ru','',5,'','','','vhost','0','name','/var/www/clients/client3/web22','','web22','client3 ','-1','-1','n','n','y','0','1','www','php-fpm','n','n','n',NULL,NULL,NULL,'n','y','y','n',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'','',NULL,'','',NU LL,'awstats','All','',' location / {\r\n # First attempt to serve request as file, then\r\n # as direct ory, then fall back to index.html\r\n #try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;\r\n try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$ args;\r\n # Uncomment to enable naxsi on this location\r\n # include /etc/nginx/naxsi.rules\r\n }\r\n\r \n location ~ ^/\\.user\\.ini {\r\n deny all;\r\n }','n','n','ondemand','10','2','1','5','10','500','/var/www/clients/ client3/web22/web:/var/www/clients/client3/web22/private:/var/www/clients/client3/web22/tmp:/var/www/', '','none','1','default','gzip','n','',NULL,'y','n','',NULL,NULL,'2022-03-09','admin','0','n','80','443',NULL,'10','n','2','','','n','2022-07 -03','force_update1656557245') 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'ssl' from plugin 'nginx_plugin' raised by event 'web_domain_update'. 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'nginx_plugin' raised by event 'web_domain_update'. 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: chattr -i '/var/www/clients/client3/web22' - return code: 0 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: chattr +i '/var/www/clients/client3/web22' - return code: 0 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: df -T '/var/www/clients/client3/web22'|awk 'END{print $2,$NF}' - return code: 0 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: which 'setquota' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: setquota -u 'web22' '0' '0' 0 0 -a &> /dev/null - return code: 0 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: setquota -T -u 'web22' 604800 604800 -a &> /dev/null - return code: 0 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: chattr +i '/var/www/clients/client3/web22' - return code: 0 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [nginx] - SSL Disabled. 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: nginx -V 2>&1 | grep 'built with OpenSSL' | sed 's/.*built\([a-zA-Z ]*\)OpenSSL \([0-9.]*\).*/\2/' - return code: 0 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: nginx -V 2>&1 | grep 'running with OpenSSL' | sed 's/.*running\([a-zA-Z ]*\)OpenSSL \([0-9.]*\).*/\2/' - return code: 0 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: which 'nginx' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0 04.07.2022-09:53 - DEBUG [nginx] - Enable TLS 1.3 for: This is the only problem I currently troubleshooting. I hope somebody can help me on this.
It seems that the problem here is because I am specifying an IP address under Web Domain in master server. Like this: So, when it synced on slave server, the slave server doesn't know what IP address to put there since it doesn't have that IP on the slave server. That's why it gives a value in listen directive as follows: Code: listen :80; The workaround here is not to use specific IP address in Web Domain. So that both servers will have a vhost like: Code: listen *:80; But I have other problem which I created in a new post at I hope somebody can reply on that post. Thank you
This is the solution and not a workaround. You selected the IP instead of * for the site, which can't work on a mirrored system as the IP is bound to the first server, so it can not be assigned to the second one.