No Login Page after Odoo installation

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Adrien, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. Adrien

    Adrien Member

    Hi, I have install Odoo on a subdomain of the IPSConfig Domain.
    I did a cold reboot and since then, not able to reach 8080 page.
    The connection has timed out
    however, the subdomain works
    i tried
    everything seems to be ok, but still nothing on 8080
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you use port 8080 for odoo?
  3. Adrien

    Adrien Member

    No, i it uses 8069
    I made an image backup of the server before digging to much in the installation of odoo and while reinstalling it, i realise that my ispconfig was in maintenance mode (i activated it while testing something).... not sure if it could have an impact... and i did a cold reboot but i think all operation were done in ipsconfig... not 100% sure though...
    could it crashes the entire ispconfig?
    either i retry to reinstall from my image backup or I try to repair!?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I have not written that other tutorial, so I can't tell you in which way it affects ISPConfig. As a first step, you should check the apache error.log to see if there are any errors.
  5. Adrien

    Adrien Member

    Thanks Till, I will try to reinstall as I already load the backup image.

    Could you please help me to understand smthg here:
    I saw another tuto on this forum (
    1) It says to use Nginx for Odoo. Howver, ipsconfig runs with Apache. Is there anyproblem?
    2) My initial idea was to install odoo under an ispconfig client using Shell-User. however, i understood it is not possible as it needs root access (which makes sense). So, in the end, anyone having the ip could access the portal by adding the port 8069 (**.***.***.***:8069), and not only the
    Is that correct or is there any trick here

    Sorry for all these beginner questions.

  6. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    The mentioned tutorial uses nginx as a proxy to odoo. ISPConfig could run with nginx, too, but you would have to do a lot of re-install and re-configuration to switch from apache.
    A further way would be to install nginx besides apache but you would need to have a seperate ip then or run nginx on a port other than 80 and 443.
    As you can see in the tut, odoo is configured to only listen to localhost:
    xmlrpc_interface =
    xmlrpc_port = 8069
    That way it is not reachable from the outside in any way other than through the nginx proxy.
    Adrien likes this.
  7. Adrien

    Adrien Member

    Thanks! will try that...

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