No server in dropdown list

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Sebastien, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. Sebastien

    Sebastien New Member

    I have a server with ISPConfig 3.

    I have setup a first website, it is working fine.

    Now I'm trying to add a second website, there is no server in the dropdown list (the server table in mysql is empty). After validation ISPConfig tells me
    No server selected.

    What should I do ?
  2. Sebastien

    Sebastien New Member

    The same way, when I try to add a new FTP account the website does not appear in the dropdown list.
  3. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    It seems you have deleted the "server" table inside the ispconfig database. Either you did this by error or the mysql server crashed and corrupted the table.
    Check if the table is corrupted, if not, try to get it back from a backup.
  4. Sebastien

    Sebastien New Member

    I did not deleted it and I don't remember it was set in first place, but it should or I would have errors creating the first website.

    I have no backup (I have enable backups later).

    I just renamed hostname on system side (/etc/hostname) since installation.
  5. Sebastien

    Sebastien New Member

    I have just cheked on another server wich also doesn't have servers nor clients configured, but I could add new websites just fine.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you have another server that uses the same OS, then you can copy the server table from that server (e.g. with phpmyadmin) and use it in your broken installation.
  7. Sebastien

    Sebastien New Member

    Thank you till and Croydon.

    I had the same idea, I did it and it worked. I could create ftp users.

    They could not login but that's another problem.

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