NonProfits and an Issue

Discussion in 'General' started by Bodger, May 8, 2006.

  1. Bodger

    Bodger New Member

    I am looking to use ISPConfig, because my employer does some limited webhosting already for some nonprofits, but it is a big hodgepodge and I would like to clean it up and be much less of a labor intense item it is now.

    I have set up a CentOS 4.3 machine and will be loading ISPConfig on it today or tomorrow.

    Here is my question:

    This machine will actually do some double duty, it will host a bunch of websites/email addresses and the like.

    But also it will handle a bunch of MailMan mailling lists, using postfix or sendmail.

    I do not know how ISPConfig handles the email addresses and therefore am not sure if it will handle the double duty for me or not.

    Basically for Postfix or Sendmail I just create a bunch of email aliases, but of the name not [email protected]. Those aliases call the mailman program and pipe in the email to the program. But since those email addresses typically do not include the domain or even if they did, I am not sure if this will work correctly with what ISPConfig might be doing to configure the mail server.

    So here is my question, based on how ISPConfig configures the mail server, if I create an alias say [email protected], will that be properly called? The website and some other emails for the specific domains will already be hosted by this machine and ISPConfig.


    a.k.a Julian
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I think this will work. ISPConfig uses the virtusertable and local-host-names files to configure postfix. You can use the aliases file to configure mailman.

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