Noob DNS Question

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by rlischer, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. rlischer

    rlischer Member

    When I register a new domain ( and I point it to my nameserver(s), do I then need to log into my ISPConfig and add DNS records for that domain? Or is this something that will update on its own in 72 hours?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That depends on waht you did at godaddy. If you created dns records at godaddy, you will have to do nothing in ispconfig. But if you set your own server as authoritive nameserver for this domain at godaddy, you will ahve to create the dns records in ispconfig.
  3. rlischer

    rlischer Member

    I set up a website on my server and created DNS entries for that site at godaddy so that site also has ns1 and pointed to the same IP and I did the DNS wizzard in ISP Config. works fine, so I went into my other sites at godaddy and used the same ns1 and thinking they would all just work since I know is going to the correct IP. However they are not, I did a dig on one of my other sites and the dig shows no IP. So I guess I need to run the DNS wizzard for the rest of my sites.

    Is there an easier method? Or, will I always need to run the DNS wizzard for new websites?

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The DNS wizard is to create new dns records. As every domain that you want to use needs a dns record, you will have to create a dns record of course. If you use the dns wizard which is faster and easier or craete the dns record manually, thats up to you.

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