not able to change open_basedir

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by bax, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. bax

    bax Member


    I'm logged in as admin in ISPConfig 3.0.5

    When I try to change the open_basedir of an individual site (or vhost-subdomain) the new value isn't stored.
    I change the value in the GUI in the website's settings and save.
    But when i come back the value is set back to the default…

    I'm using NGINX with PHP-FPM.

    The corresponding value in the PHP .conf-files also isn't being the changed – it is as if my changes in open_basedir never get saved anywhere.

    Is there something I'm overseeing?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You have to change the value in the website, vhost-subdomains get their open_basedir value from the parent website as well, so you can not set a different open_basedir for a vhost subdomain then the one that you had set in the website.
  3. bax

    bax Member

    @till Thank you, I will try that!
  4. bax

    bax Member

    Hi @till,

    I tried what you suggested - I changed the open_basedir value for the domain in ISPConfig.
    phpinfo() in the domain shows the entered values.
    However, the change did not propagate to the subdomain.
    phpinfo() in the subdomain still shows the open_basedir to be without the folder I added!
  5. bax

    bax Member

  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The bugtracker describes what i told you in #2 of this thread. To change the open_basedir of a vhost subdomain, you have to edit the value in the parent website. The value in the vhostsubdomain gets changed when you edit the vhostsubdomain the next zime. Just verified that here, works fine.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2014
  7. bax

    bax Member

    As I stated in #4, I have the problem that these settings don't seem to propagate as you implied…
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, youre right. I had a test version here. In the it is indeed broken.

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