for a specific vhost, which has Magento2 instance installed. I can see that the size of tmp folder is 1GB+ web folder is 34G home 1.7G yet in ispconfig panel total space used is showing as 154Gb. The backup is stored as root user and it is on a separate hdd. another problem is whatever I try I am not able to delete the contents of tmp folder. I have tried everything including rm -rf tmp rm tmp/* rm -rf tmp/* lsattr command returns --------------e--- ./webdav --------------e--- ./log --------------e--- ./ssl --------------e--- ./web --------------e--- ./backup --------------e--- ./cgi-bin --------------e--- ./private -----------I--e--- ./tmp --------------e--- ./home so I tried with chattr -i tmp but nothing seems to help. so basically 2 issues. 1. used space issue. 2. not able to delete files.
What does repquota show for the web user? You can find files owned by the user with eg. 'find / -type f -user web123'. What are the files' owner and permissions?
for the tmp where I am not able to delete - permissions show like this: drwxrwx--- 2 web1 client1 1013M May 14 00:29 tmp
when I am trying - rm -rf tmp/* I am getting -bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long but when I try cd tmp and find . -name "*.*" -delete the command executes, but the folder size still shows 1013M
There are probably (many?) files without a period in their name, maybe try '-type f' rather than '-name "*.*"'