(function($) { $.fn.oembed = function(url, options, callback) { options = $.extend(true, $.fn.oembed.defaults, options); return this.each(function() { var container = $(this), resourceURL = (url != null) ? url : container.attr("href"), provider; if (!callback) callback = function(container, oembed) { $.fn.oembed.insertCode(container, options.embedMethod, oembed); }; if (resourceURL != null) { provider = getOEmbedProvider(resourceURL); if (provider != null) { provider.maxWidth = options.maxWidth; provider.maxHeight = options.maxHeight; provider.params = options[provider.name] || {}; provider.embedCode(container, resourceURL, callback); return; } } callback(container, null); }); }; // Plugin defaults $.fn.oembed.defaults = { maxWidth: null, maxHeight: null, embedMethod: "replace" // "auto", "append", "fill" }; $.fn.oembed.insertCode = function(container, embedMethod, oembed) { switch(embedMethod) { case "auto": if (container.attr("href") != null) { insertCode(container, "append", oembed); } else { insertCode(container, "replace", oembed); }; break; case "replace": container.replaceWith(oembed.code); break; case "fill": container.html(oembed.code); break; case "append": var oembedContainer = container.next(); if (oembedContainer == null || !oembedContainer.hasClass("oembed-container")) { oembedContainer = container .after('<div class="oembed-container"></div>') .next(".oembed-container"); if (oembed != null && oembed.provider_name != null) oembedContainer.toggleClass("oembed-container-" + oembed.provider_name); } oembedContainer.html(oembed.code); break; } } $.fn.oembed.getPhotoCode = function(url, data) { var alt = data.title ? data.title : ''; alt += data.author_name ? ' - ' + data.author_name : ''; alt += data.provider_name ? ' - ' +data.provider_name : ''; var code = '<div><a href="' + url + '" target="_blank"><img src="' + data.url + '" alt="' + alt + '"/></a></div>'; if (data.html) code += "<div>" + data.html + "</div>"; return code; }; $.fn.oembed.getVideoCode = function(url, data) { var code = data.html; return code; }; $.fn.oembed.getRichCode = function(url, data) { var code = data.html; return code; }; $.fn.oembed.getGenericCode = function(url, data) { var title = (data.title != null) ? data.title : url, code = '<a href="' + url + '">' + title + '</a>'; if (data.html) code += "<div>" + data.html + "</div>"; return code; }; $.fn.oembed.isAvailable = function(url) { var provider = getOEmbedProvider(url); return (provider != null); }; /* Private Methods */ function getOEmbedProvider(url) { for (var i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) { if (providers.matches(url)) return providers; } return null; } var providers = [ new OEmbedProvider("fivemin", "5min.com"), new OEmbedProvider("amazon", "amazon.com"), new OEmbedProvider("flickr", "flickr", "http://flickr.com/services/oembed", "jsoncallback"), new OEmbedProvider("googlevideo", "video.google."), new OEmbedProvider("hulu", "hulu.com"), new OEmbedProvider("imdb", "imdb.com"), new OEmbedProvider("metacafe", "metacafe.com"), new OEmbedProvider("qik", "qik.com"), new OEmbedProvider("revision3", "slideshare"), new OEmbedProvider("slideshare", "5min.com"), new OEmbedProvider("twitpic", "twitpic.com"), new OEmbedProvider("viddler", "viddler.com"), new OEmbedProvider("vimeo", "vimeo.com", "http://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json"), new OEmbedProvider("wikipedia", "wikipedia.org"), new OEmbedProvider("wordpress", "wordpress.com"), new OEmbedProvider("youtube", "youtube.com") ]; function OEmbedProvider(name, urlPattern, oEmbedUrl, callbackparameter) { this.name = name; this.urlPattern = urlPattern; this.oEmbedUrl = (oEmbedUrl != null) ? oEmbedUrl : "http://oohembed.com/oohembed/"; this.callbackparameter = (callbackparameter != null) ? callbackparameter : "callback"; this.maxWidth = 500; this.maxHeight = 400; this.matches = function(externalUrl) { // TODO: Convert to Regex return externalUrl.indexOf(this.urlPattern) >= 0; }; this.getRequestUrl = function(externalUrl) { var url = this.oEmbedUrl; if (url.indexOf("?") <= 0) url = url + "?"; var qs = ""; for (var i in this.params) { // We don't want them to jack everything up by changing the callback parameter if (i == this.callbackparameter) continue; // allows the options to be set to null, don't send null values to the server as parameters if (this.params != null) qs += "&" + escape(i) + "=" + this.params; } url += "format=json"; if (this.maxWidth != null) url += "&maxwidth=" + this.maxWidth; if (this.maxHeight != null) url += "&maxheight=" + this.maxHeight; url += "&url=" + escape(externalUrl) + qs + "&" + this.callbackparameter + "=?"; return url; } this.embedCode = function(container, externalUrl, callback) { var request = this.getRequestUrl(externalUrl); $.getJSON(request, function(data) { var oembed = $.extend({ }, data); var code, type = data.type; switch (type) { case "photo": oembed.code = $.fn.oembed.getPhotoCode(externalUrl, data); break; case "video": oembed.code = $.fn.oembed.getVideoCode(externalUrl, data); break; case "rich": oembed.code = $.fn.oembed.getRichCode(externalUrl, data); break; default: oembed.code = $.fn.oembed.getGenericCode(externalUrl, data); break; } callback(container, oembed); }); } } })(jQuery); above is my ombed script...its working good for flickr and vimeo...also for metacafe...but youtube ain't showing up...sometimes it does...but most of the time it doesnt...same is for other websites. Help me. Thanks.