Onboard ethernet port not detected

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by therobust, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. therobust

    therobust New Member

    Hello mates,

    I have installed zentyal on a new i5 system with Intel DH61DL motherboard which has onboard gigabit ethernet card fabricated.
    After installing zentyal, it detects only on-slot cards (gigabit) however the onboard giga-port does not get detected :(
    when i type command 'ifconfig -a' it displays only on-slot ethernet gigabit card and loopback interface and 'lshw -class network' command shows 3 interfaces (2 physical + 1 loopback).
    In the first network interface details it shows "UNCLAIMED" interface.

    Any idea if it is a zentyal bug or zentyal doesn't support DHL61 board or do i need to do anything in the configuration to get this one detected also?


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