one-click installer

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Niels, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. Niels

    Niels New Member

    I know its easy to upload files with ftp, but many webhosts has a one-click installer. Is this something that would be interesting to have?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. Niels

    Niels New Member

  4. stevenbinion

    stevenbinion New Member

    This is the first time I've heard of thought it's a great looking setup. Has Fantasico or Softalicous been looked into at all? they seem to be the popular ones. or are we talking license issues like Opensource vs Commercial?
  5. bluebirdnet

    bluebirdnet Member

    I see that has been added to 3.0.5 ?

    So what does this mean exactly, how do we use this?

    Till has this been added to the ISPConfig manual?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This means that you and / or your customers will be able to install aps packages from into aispconfig website with a few clicks.

    The new manual for ISPConfig 3.0.5 will be available when 3.0.5 gets released. The manual will conatains instructions for and a description of all new functions that have been added in ISPConfig 3.0.5.
  7. bluebirdnet

    bluebirdnet Member

    aispconfig website ? is there going to be a plugin or module in ISPConfig? or do we need to program anything.

    If you could offer more details on this that would be great!

    thanks Till.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The installer is built into the ispconfig sites module, you dont need to write any code, just click with the mouse to select the application and then click on the install button. Thats all. Download the beta version if you like to see it.
  9. webguyz

    webguyz Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    The end user will see this in their Site menu. The will choose an app from the Available list. They will be asked a few settings questions like which folder to create the app (folder should be non-existant as it creates it) and then it will show you the DB password (it creates the MySQL db if needed automatically) You should write down that password because there is not other way to see that password again once the app is created.

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