I use Xen Vm´s, and ispconfig firewall blocks all traffic for the vm ips. Problem : Vm Ips traffic block by firewall on dom0. Why : Iptables are working with port not iport. resolution: Iptables need to use for example (dom0) server ip(s) only. Just an idea, i have a script to add "Spamhaus drop list" to ispconfig iptables, if u add that will make fail2ban work less and will be better performance in global ispconfig needs. thanks.
ISPConfig is not made to run on dom0 as it does not offer any functions for configuring a dom0. It is intended that the ispconfig firewall blocks by port and not IPort. You run ispconfig normally inside the VM (in a domU) and the bastille firewall is made for that.
Yes i see that you dont understand what im saying. Speaking to you is like reading yesterday paper. Maybe more vacations ? By. heheheh.