open newsletter

Discussion in 'General' started by clarky87, Jul 6, 2010.

  1. clarky87

    clarky87 New Member

    can anyone help im using this on my website for a subscribe got it all uploaded and working but dont know how to edit the little window it applys for people subscribing.

    <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="200" height="100" style="border:1px solid #CCCCCC"></iframe>

    it come up with scroll bars and a whbite background is it possible for me to edit the colour and remove the scroll bars completly or is there a possible way for me to create the form again and send it using an actio n on a submit button

    thank you
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can add
    to the <iframe> tag - the scrollbars should then disappear.

    The colour is defined by the src file (, so you must change the background colour there.
  3. clarky87

    clarky87 New Member

    scrolling bit works great thanks i had alook last night i assume that the default colour is white as no colour is define would it work to integrate a css style into the coding or would it have to be a seperate sheet is is it alot more simple just changing the back ground colour
  4. clarky87

    clarky87 New Member

    scrolling bit works great thanks i had alook last night i assume that the default colour is white as no colour is define would it work to integrate a css style into the coding or would it have to be a seperate sheet is is it alot more simple just changing the back ground colour

    the coding i have from opensource documents is




    if($_GET["action"] == "subscribe")


    $fp = fopen("$db_file", "r");

    $file_text = fread($fp, 999999);


    $subscribers = explode(",",$file_text);

    foreach($subscribers as $subscriber)


    if($subscriber == $_GET["email"])


    $result = 1;





    $result = 0;



    if($result == 1)


    print "The email you provided alreay exists. <a href='javascript:history.back(-1)'>please try again</a>";




    $fp = fopen("$db_file", "a+");

    fwrite($fp, $_GET["email"] . ",");


    print "<font face=arial size=2 color=blue>congratulations, your have successfully subscribed to the mailing list</font>";



    print "

    <form action='includethis.php'>

    <input type='text' name='email' size='26' value='Enter your email' onfocus=\"this.value=''\">


    <input type='submit' value='Subscribe'>

    <input type='hidden' name='action' value='subscribe'>




    where and how could i implement the css into the file im only beginner at this and learning sorry to be a pain but when i try to add into it just messes it up and stops it working
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2010
  5. clarky87

    clarky87 New Member

    orted it i just added this code in and did the trick at the top of the php page


    *{ margin:0; padding:0;}

    body{ font:100% normal Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background:#000000; position: "centre";}


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