Open Source Virtual Server

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by cummings55, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. cummings55

    cummings55 New Member

    I would like to install an open source server OS on a single machine then install Samba and IPCOP. Has anybody successfully done this?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    IPCop is a full OS, so you cannot install it on top of another OS.
  3. cummings55

    cummings55 New Member

    IPCOP on Virtual Server

    Correct. But you can install IPCOP on a virtual server. I'm curious if anyone has used an open source virtual server and installed IPCOP and Samba.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can install VMware Server or VirtualBox and then install IPCop as a virtual machine.
  5. cummings55

    cummings55 New Member

    Virtual Server running Samba and IPCOP

    I've looked into VMWARE. The hardware for the ESXi version is too much for what I need so I was looking for an Open Source solution that could be used on single CPU boxes with 2gb RAM.

    I'm trying to stick to one box to do two tasks.

    I'll take a look at Virtualbox as a solution.

    Any other ideas?
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  7. cummings55

    cummings55 New Member

    VMWare Server

    I guess I should have been more clear...I wanted to have an open source solution like VMWare ESXi....ESXi will install as the OS but takes more system hardware than I have access to. So...I've settled on installing Mandriva then Install VMWare Server (which is what was first suggested) Then I will install Samba and IPCOP.

    We'll see how this works. :)
  8. crownsadmin

    crownsadmin New Member

    VMWare and IPCOP


    I have a barebone's server running only ESXI.. overhead for esxi is minimal, 32mg?

    I have about 9 VMS coded, 3 running 100% (Mail Server, WebServer, and a desktop UBuntu9). I have all different OS's that I periodically play with.

    I want to have MODEM go right into the server, and drop my Router and use the IPCOP inside a VM to manage the network also.. where you successful?

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