Ie. create a website via ispconfig in which to run openproject? Requirements are here, I don't know any reason why you couldn't: Not me.
I have tried with automatic installation but stopped when asked about overriding apache conf files. And have also looked at manual installation but got confused when I would need to install node server. I think that Ispconfig and node don't work together. Any hint with that.
Hi, I also want to install openProject parallel to ISPconfig. I did the manual installation, but as mentioned, openProject needs a custom Apache-conf file. it also realts on "passenger" for Apache as well as ruby. When everything is setup as told in the instructions, the browser will redirect to the first Website in the ISPConfig list. So I need a way, that Apache will accept my custom conf-file.
I think that you could use "Apache Directives" in "web domain" under "options". And I think that you could also create file and put it in sites-enabled folder. You would need to use different file name otherwise ispconfig would override it. for example Otherwise your installation went ok? which system are you using?
node should be fine. we have a fully custom built site running in a normal vhost on ubuntu 18.04, ispconfig 3.1.13, php7.3 with node v8.10.0 and npm 3.5.2 working without any problems. node is installed globally and made available to jailkit ssh users with: Code: [node] comment = NodeJS executables = /usr/bin/npm, /usr/bin/node, /usr/bin/nodejs, /usr/local/bin/elmi-to-json directories = /usr/share/npm, /usr/lib/nodejs, /usr/local/lib/node_modules all the websites files/code is downloaded using git clone / git pull and then built/compiled in place.