Hello, I have OpenSuse 11.4 (with Gnome) running with apache2 installed. On apache2 i have created some virtual hosts, which were stored in /srv/www/vhosts/website When I upload a new file to my website folder te root user has full permissions on that file but the others have none rights. So I can't open the file in my browser. How can I change the default rights to the website folder (and let the subfolders/files inherit the permissions) so that the root had RWX rights, de groupname needs RW rights and the others need R rights. Can somebody tell me what command I have to type on the terminal so that the default permissions are changed to the one I want?
How do you upload your files? Through FTP? If so, what FTP server do you use? You can use the chmod and chown commands to change ownerships and permissions of files/directories. Take a look at Code: man chown man chmod
Falko thank you for your reply and sorry for the very late reaction but havn't had any time to react. First of all I upload these files with FileZilla ftp client to the server. On the server I have Pure-ftp service up and running. I can upload files but the default permissions on the new uploaded files are not right. I already tried it with chmod and than the existing files in the folder/subfolder get changed but when I upload a new file it gets the default permission that only the root user can read or change the files. (And the others have no rights) And I want it changed that in my folder the others gets read rights so they can view my webpage by default when I change something. Is it possible to change the default permission on one folder?
I guess you need to change PureFTPd's umask. Take a look at http://download.pureftpd.org/pub/pure-ftpd/doc/README and search for umask.