OpenVZ - How to install guest OS on container

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by satimis, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. satimis

    satimis Member

    Hi folks,

    Ubuntu8.04 desktop i686 - host
    OpenVZ - Virtual server

    I have installed OpenVZ on Ubuntu. It is now running. Container can be created. But I haven't figured out how to install guest OS from its CD installer on the container.

    Please shed me some light. Pointer would be appreciated. TIA

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. satimis

    satimis Member

    Hi falko,

    Thanks for your advice.

    I have run following steps;

    $ cd /var/lib/vz/template/cache
    $ sudo wget 386-minimal.tar.gz

    Creating a container

    $ sudo vzctl create 101 --ostemplate ubuntu-8.04-i386-minimal
    Creating VE private area (ubuntu-8.04-i386-minimal)
    Performing postcreate actions
    VE private area was created

    What shall I do next? Thanks

    In case if I can't find Ubuntu template on OpenVZ site and have to build my own template, on;

    which package shall I download?

    Furthermore if I can't find a template of an OS on OpenVZ site which I'm prepared to install what shall I do? TIA

  4. satimis

    satimis Member

    Hi falko,

    I have run following steps;

    $ cd /var/lib/vz/template/cache
    $ sudo wget 386-minimal.tar.gz

    Creating a container

    $ sudo vzctl create 101 --ostemplate ubuntu-8.04-i386-minimal
    Creating VE private area (ubuntu-8.04-i386-minimal)
    Performing postcreate actions
    VE private area was created

    What shall I do next? Thanks

    Furthermore if I can't find a template of an OS on OpenVZ site which I'm prepared to install what shall I do? TIA

  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  6. rawe28

    rawe28 New Member


    Hi Falko,

    if I understand it right, the given link does not answer the question, because it just repeats the procedure, wich satimis describeb. Or I´m wrong?

    As I´ve understood, the following command creates a virtual maschine on HardwareNode

    vzctl create 178 --ostemplate debian-4.0-amd64-minimal --config vps.basic 
    vzctl start 178
    vzctl set 178 --onboot yes --save 
    vzctl set 178 --ipadd --save
    vzctl set 178 --numothersock 120 --save
    vzctl set 178 --nameserver --nameserver --nameserver --save
    vzctl set 178 --netif_add eth0,00:12:34:56:78:9A --save
    vzctl exec 178 passwd

    But in this VM I want to create multiple VPSés for hosting and share the IP, given to the VM with them. If I´m right until here, my question is:

    Do I have to log in to the VM and than create the VPS in here. If "yes": Which commands I have to use.

    Beside this:

    I found out, when I logged into the VM I could do there absolutly nothing, because my server is chrooted. Ive tried with Putty, WinSCP and MySecureShell, but they all kicked me out immediatly´, as soon as I trie to execute any command. I also was not able, to change this in /ssh.config,
    but this is because I don´t understand enough of it.

    Could you be so kind and lend a helping hand?
    I´m arround with this problem now for over a week and can´t manage it.
    I´m really stucked and need some concret advice.

    So long

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2008
  7. rawe28

    rawe28 New Member


    Hi, I´v managed the problem by installing OpenSSh- server and loggged in whith WinSCp.
    The problem now is, that I can not access Mysql, not as root and not as User "ralph". It answers just "access denied for...".

    Any idea, what to do?


  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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