Opewebmail with chpasswd

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by kmamunbd, May 3, 2010.

  1. kmamunbd

    kmamunbd New Member

    i installed a mail server in RHEL 5 with postfix, dovecot, openwebmail, but i failed to install chpasswd 2.2-4 i have ./configure, make, make install, but nothing happens can any one help me with some documentetion for chpasswd for changing password for mail account
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you see any error messages?
  3. kmamunbd

    kmamunbd New Member

    no thre was no error when i make or make install
  4. kmamunbd

    kmamunbd New Member

    ok i have been succeeded to change password from openwebmail i will upload total procedure on my blog kmamunbd.blogspot.com

    any one can ask help in [email protected],[email protected]

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