Hello, I have ispconfig 3.2.7p1 on multiserver I have a script to install some website. Here it is a script for wordpress. I have a error : I never had that before ! In website error log, it is written Code: [Sun Jan 16 21:27:40.480436 2022] [rewrite:error] [pid 25ss705:tid 14038ss63023872] [client iphidden:53065] AH00670: Options FollowSymLinks and SymLinksIfOwnerMatch are both off, so the RewriteRule directive is also forbidden due to its similar ability to circumvent directory restrictions : /var/www/mysite/web/error/403.html, referer: https://mysite/wp-admin/ Is there a new setting in ISPConfig ? May be I modify something, but, I don't know where to look at... Where are that parameters set ?
Most likely the script added a .htaccess file into the web folder which triggers the issue. Please post that .htaccess file.
I use wp cli and run that Code: wp core download --path=$SITEPATH/web --locale=$lang wp core config --dbname=$DBNAME --dbuser=$DBUSERNAME --dbpass=$DBUSER_PSWD --dbhost=localhost --dbprefix=wp_ --path=$SITEPATH/web wp core install --url="$SITE_url" --title="$SITE_NAME" --admin_user="$SITEADMIN_NAME" --admin_password="$SITEADMIN_PSWD" --admin_email="$SITEADMIN_MAIL_NAME" --path=$SITEPATH/web Regarding .htaccess, it is empty when my script end up ; this is abnormal ! In my ispc apache snipsets, I add : "Options All -Indexes" But, I don't see why it removes "followsymlinks" ... I will try without that snipset !