Ordered manual, but no link sent

Discussion in 'General' started by troyd1, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. troyd1

    troyd1 New Member

    I ordered the manual about 6 hours ago, received my paypal invoice, but have not received a link for the manual. I contacted the info@ispc...., but have gotten no reply. Any suggestions on what I should do next?
  2. Sir Henry

    Sir Henry Member

    Give them a bit more time, they are not working 24/7 :)
  3. troyd1

    troyd1 New Member

    Will do. I thought it was probably automatic.
  4. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    I think it should be automatic - did you check the spam folder if the link ended up in there?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The link is sent automatically as soon as the payment is completed, if you paid in paypal with credit card then you received ethe link within 1-2 minutes, if you paid by bank transfer then you receive the link when paypal receives the money from your bank which can take a few days. You can see the payment status in your paypal account, if it says completed and not pending then the link was already sent. As sjau pointed out, the email might be in your spam folder.

    If you see that the payment is in "completed" state at paypal and you dont find the email with the download link in your mailbox or spam folder then send us a email to info [at] ispconfig [dot] org and ask us that we sent you the download links again.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I just checked our system, we sent you the download links the first time at 12:30 MET, this was within one minute after the paypal payment and we sent the email a second time 16:16 MET which was 45 minutes after you requested the resending of the download links.

    According to our mail.log (I just looked it up for the second email), his mx2 mailserver rejected the emails for quite some time and then the mx1 accepted it at 16:40:

    Mar 29 16:15:30 v123 postfix/smtp[21926]: C7D1923B44DC: to=<[email protected]>, relay=mx2.......net[.....]:25, delay=7, delays=0.11/0.03/4.5/2.3, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (host mx2........net[.........] said: 451 Resources temporarily unavailable (in reply to MAIL FROM command))
    Mar 29 16:25:25 v123 postfix/smtp[21926]: C7D1923B44DC: to=<[email protected]>, relay=mx2.......net[......]:25, delay=602, delays=599/0.03/2.3/0.13, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (host mx2.........net[.........] said: 451 Resources temporarily unavailable (in reply to MAIL FROM command))
    Mar 29 16:40:23 v123 postfix/smtp[21926]: C7D1923B44DC: to=<[email protected]>, relay=mx1.......net[........]:25, delay=1500, delays=1499/0.01/0.55/0.88, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Ok)
    You posted here at 20:58 which is several hours after your server accpetd the email. If you did not receive the mail till now, you should check your server or contact your server provider to fix it. Please contact us if we shall resend the email agian after your server is fixed or let me know if you have a different email address like a gmail account that works.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I've sent you the links again now as you requested by email.
  8. troyd1

    troyd1 New Member

    Till, I received them. I have to apologize for the hassle I caused you. I checked my junk mail and they were not in there, but I use pop, and they were blocked by the ISP. When I logged on there, I found them. I have already installed ispconfig3 and also installed Joomla and everything works. I am very excited about it. I have not worked with linux servers for about 10 years and have been working with windows servers and find isp config to be excellent so far. I am really impressed with the response and the amount of documentation available. I tried blueonyx and while it was very easy to install, 1 disk and 1 prompt, there was little documentation. Although I am very experienced with some of the aspects of working up this kind of server, some I am not real sure about so I think this is a perfect fit. Again, I apologize for the trouble I caused you and thanks for your help.


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