Out of memory errors

Discussion in 'General' started by pan69, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. pan69

    pan69 New Member

    Hi. I've installed ISPConfig RC1 on a Ubuntu 8.04 256Mb server, which worked fine. However, after a couple of days I noticed that my server was down. I rebooted and I just noticed (about 2 days after reboot), lots of these fellows:
    [ 4186.930413] Out of memory: kill process 3774 (mysqld_safe) score 154236 or a child                                   
    [ 4186.930555] Killed process 3816 (mysqld)                                                                             
    [ 4351.569215] Out of memory: kill process 6321 (mysqld) score 55829 or a child                                         
    [ 4351.569462] Killed process 6321 (mysqld)                                                                             
    [ 4351.599253] Out of memory: kill process 6330 (mysqld) score 55829 or a child                                         
    [ 4351.599508] Killed process 6330 (mysqld)                                                                             
    [12782.688711] Out of memory: kill process 4614 (apache2) score 49498 or a child                                        
    [12782.688836] Killed process 4614 (apache2)                                                                            
    [12786.362634] Out of memory: kill process 4636 (apache2) score 49491 or a child                                        
    [12786.362808] Killed process 4636 (apache2)                                                                            
    [12771.442235] Out of memory: kill process 4635 (apache2) score 49427 or a child                                        
    [12771.442370] Killed process 4635 (apache2)                                                                            
    [22945.837958] Out of memory: kill process 4545 (apache2) score 24684 or a child                                        
    [22945.838084] Killed process 4545 (apache2)                                                                            
    [73782.719071] Out of memory: kill process 21364 (apache2) score 49215 or a child                                       
    [73782.719294] Killed process 21364 (apache2)                                                                           
    [73870.614930] Out of memory: kill process 21366 (apache2) score 49153 or a child                                       
    [73870.615115] Killed process 21366 (apache2)                                                                           
    [73865.240487] Out of memory: kill process 21355 (apache2) score 49149 or a child                                       
    [73865.240695] Killed process 21355 (apache2) 
    Any help very much appreciated.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2009
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You're running out of memory.
    What's the output of
  3. pan69

    pan69 New Member

    I had to do another reboot because it crashed again. Right after reboot I did a 'free -m':
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:           256        252          3          0          1         18
    -/+ buffers/cache:        232         23
    Swap:          511         59        452
    Not much left is there? I'm not sure what the ISPConfig specs are concerning memory but I figured that 256M should be sufficient for a simple server running a couple of minor sites...
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig has no extra specs for memory usage as ispconfig itself does not use much memory, maybe about 20 - 30 MB.

    That depends on the usage of the sites. 256 is really low and as you see you are getting out of memory errors, so its too low for your current setup. Does your server ahs a swap file or is it a vserver so no swap is allowed?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig has no specs for memory usage as ispconfig itself does not use much memory, maybe about 20 - 30 MB.

    That depends on the usage of the sites. 256 is really low and as you see you are getting out of memory errors, so its too low for your current setup. Does your server ahs a swap file or is it a vserver so no swap is allowed?
  6. pan69

    pan69 New Member

    Hi. This is htop's output right after a not so graceful reboot. I've also noticed that CPU usage is increasing over time. Currently it takes about 3 hours or so for the machine to consume up to +100%, which makes it unresponsive.

    I currently have only one site running on this configuration which is nothing more than just a holding page.

      3  [||||||                   18.7%]     Uptime: 00:01:43                                                              
      4  [|||||||                  20.1%]                                                                                   
      Swp[|                      0/511MB]                                                                                   
      PID USER     PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S CPU% MEM%   TIME+  Command                                                   
     4562 admin     20   0 19268  1292   996 R  0.0  0.5  0:00.40 htop                                                      
     3806 mysql     20   0  158M 23320  5336 S  0.0  8.9  0:00.47 /usr/sbin/mysqld -                                        
     4519 root      20   0  191M  8260  4404 S  0.0  3.1  0:00.18 /usr/sbin/apache2                                         
     3816 mysql     20   0  158M 23320  5336 S  0.0  8.9  0:00.02 /usr/sbin/mysqld -                                        
     3815 mysql     20   0  158M 23320  5336 S  0.0  8.9  0:00.02 /usr/sbin/mysqld -                                        
     3877 root      20   0  103M 44812  2472 S  0.0 17.1  0:02.26 /usr/sbin/spamd --                                        
     4566 root      20   0  122M 11736  6116 S  0.0  4.5  0:00.36 /usr/bin/php -q /u                                        
     2238 root      16  -4 16848   948   372 S  0.0  0.4  0:00.84 /sbin/udevd --daem                                        
     4581 root      20   0  102M  4800  3612 S  0.0  1.8  0:00.16 smtpd -n smtp -t i                                        
     4567 mysql     20   0  158M 23320  5336 S  0.0  8.9  0:00.10 /usr/sbin/mysqld -                                        
     4390 root      20   0 36684  2140  1684 S  0.0  0.8  0:00.04 /usr/lib/postfix/m                                        
     4607 postfix   20   0 41248  2968  2092 S  0.0  1.1  0:00.04 tlsmgr -l -t unix                                         
     4584 mysql     20   0  158M 23320  5336 S  0.0  8.9  0:00.00 /usr/sbin/mysqld -                                        
     4563 root      20   0 27152   976   728 S  0.0  0.4  0:00.00 /USR/SBIN/CRON                                            
    I've tried stopping daemon by daemon see what the results would be. Stopping MySQL, Apache and Postfix doesn't do much. However, when I killed off ClamAV I noticed over a 100Mb in memory drop. I can't seem to figure out how to stop the ISPConfig server however. Any idea's?


    PS: This machine is a clean Ubuntu Hardy running at slicehost.com. I've followed the instructions on this page to set it up. I've added nothing else myself (except htop for CPU/mem info): http://www.ispconfig.org/docs/INSTALL_UBUNTU_8.04.txt
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2009
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in /etc/mysql/my.cnf?
  8. pan69

    pan69 New Member

    Hi. Sorry, I can't check any longer because I dumped the slice. If letting it alone after a reboot it would in the span of a day or so, go all the way up the 100% CPU usage. Unless I would set up an automatic reboot, it would be to much work.

    The contents of my.cnf would be that of what I would get through the installation process since I've haven't touched it. Maybe the default values of it have recently changed? I dunno...

    I will try to run the same installation in a virtual machine, see if I can reproduce the issue in that environment...
  9. mozart_ar

    mozart_ar New Member

    I am experiencing this same issue. Do you found a solution? Can I do something ?

    - Walter
  10. mozart_ar

    mozart_ar New Member

    In my case, I can solve this issue changing MaxClients from 150 to 20 on apache2.conf

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