Outbound Spam Filter

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by anandx, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. anandx

    anandx Member


    Is there any solution for outbound spam filtering ? I have a lot of users, whose mail account either gets hacked/ malware, sending out spam. We try and block a lot of it, but still need something which can filter and stop mails to go out from the network.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi Anandx,

    I can suggest you to use Anti-Spam Firewall.Scrollout F1 is a free anti-spam and anti-virus email firewall (gateway) for multiple domains and email servers, with DLP for outgoing messages filtering Excel, Word, PDF and image files (archived or hidden).

    First, a clean Ubuntu operating system or Debian must be installed. Do not use an existing system on which you have installed other applications and services like an existing web server and email server. The installation process will overwrite the existing settings.

    Download latest stable version of Ubuntu Server. Usually, it is called LTS (Long Term Support). It is free and you can find it here:

    For Debian, use http://www.debian.org/distrib/netinst#smallercd. The installation process is almost identical to Ubuntu, but lighter and faster.

    Chose the right version for you: 32 bit or 64 bit. Normally, if you have multicore processors and lots of GB of RAM you should go for 64 bit version, but if you are not sure download the 32 bit version. It will work on 64 bit too.

    Install Ubuntu Server, Alternate or Debian.

    Important note: When you are asked to configure network connection please make sure you input the correct settings. You need a working Internet connection in order to download and install Scrollout F1.

    Login to the Ubuntu terminal console using your user and password. For Debian use "root" account.
    Make sure your internet connection is working properly and type the following commands:

    apt-get install sudo -y
    cd /tmp
    wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/scrollout/files/update/scrolloutf1.tar/download -O scrolloutf1.tar
    tar -xvf scrolloutf1.tar
    chmod 755 /tmp/scrolloutf1/www/bin/*

    Press-hit ENTER every time you are asked to answer a question. By doing this you will select the default recommended answer.

    When done, the Graphic User Interface URL address and default Admin password will be displayed.

    In case you'll decide to uninstall:


    Srijan Kishore
  3. Franz

    Franz Member

    TNX for info.
    I will try this.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    In case that you sue ispconfig: The amavisd spamfilter in ispconfig filters inbound and outbound traffic. In ispconfig, you can set only the inbounf rules, for outbound traffic, the defaulr rules that you can set in the amavisd.conf file apply.

    The next version of ISPConfig will support also policyd to contreol the number of incoming and outoing emails for a domain.
  5. anandx

    anandx Member


    Its strange to see the forums never send me a mail when this post was updated. While looking for something else, I found it was replied. Thanks for the replies guys, appreciate it.
  6. anandx

    anandx Member

    Hi Srijan,

    Have you used this in production/ testing somewhere ? How easy is to use/ configure ? Does it help catch all our usual outgoing spam from hacked accounts ?
  7. anandx

    anandx Member

    Can i request more detailed information/ howto ? Can i use a server with ispconfig as a smarthost for my existing server and then use for outgoing filtering ? I am looking for detailed help :)

    And again appreciate you taking time to reply to the post.

  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, amavisd which is used n ispconfig servers filters all incoming and outgoing traffic.
  9. anandx

    anandx Member

    Any way to get a more detailed how to / explanation on how to set it up ? I want to set them up as 2 different machines. The incoming VM will handle all spam and then handover the mails to the internal/actual mail server which will deliver to users. And the outgoing will filter outgoing mails.

  10. dliao

    dliao New Member

    Full disclosure: I'm a representative of MailChannels.

    We specialize in outbound anti-spam cloud and software that helps companies prevent IP blacklisting to ensure reliable SMTP service.

    If you need a quick fix because you're blacklisted, please feel free to use promo code EXIMISTHEBEST to get three free "emergency" months with our outbound relay service (MailChannels SMTP Relay).

    Get notified of compromised accounts.

  11. anandx

    anandx Member

    Thanks but I am more interested in open source :)
  12. dliao

    dliao New Member

    I understand.

    For outbound spam filtering, a service may be worth considering. For $50/month, you can just solve the problem and never think about IP blacklisting again.

    All the best,
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2014
  13. anandx

    anandx Member

    I have servers in different geographical locations, at least 10-15 of them require outbound protection, in total a few thousand domains. There are several hundred mails being send every hour. Will that price still be valid ?
  14. dliao

    dliao New Member

    No problem. With the SMTP Relay service, you would simply smart host your mail to our mail servers, we would manage any blacklisting issues and notify you of compromised accounts.

    You can secure unlimited domains and send tens of millions of messages per hour.

    Drop me a line if you have questions:
    [email protected]
  15. anandx

    anandx Member

    Is there any other suggestion anyone else can make on outbound mail filtering ?

    I am looking to protect my ip name space, and interested to use open source solution. If someone is available and can help setup the same, I am ready to pay for their time as well.


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