Outdated DNS-Zones -> Column "Zone" -> xx.yy.zz.in-addr-arpa

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by macguru, Oct 16, 2020.

  1. macguru

    macguru Member HowtoForge Supporter


    I did IP address change in all DNS records (we move to another ISP), yet I'm still being present with outdated
    DNS-Zones -> Column "Zone" -> xx.yy.zz.in-addr-arpa
    xx.yy.zz - is still OLD IP in reverse.
    I did global search on ISPConfig 3.2 MariaDB, old IP can be still found only in sys_datalog. which I believe is just a log.
    Did resync of everything several times, even restarted server, still same old IP DNS-Zones -> Column "Zone" -> xx.yy.zz.in-addr-arpa.

    Global search over db revealed xx.yy.zz.in-addr-arpa in "dns_soa" and "domain", i found no way to change that ISPConfig web admin, only hackwork in phpMyAdmin.

    What is correct way to fix that?
    Thanks in advance.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This table contains the history and not the current values, do not alter it!
  3. macguru

    macguru Member HowtoForge Supporter

    OK, understood, anyway, how to fix this problem? Direct edit in phpMyAdmin, tables "dns_soa" and "domain"? Its not a problem, just need to be sure system will not become broken.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No. Manual changes with phpmyadmin will have no effect. the domain table doe snot contains any IP addresses normally, it contains just domains. if you entered domains there which contain parts of an IP, then you can edit it there where you added it, in the clients table. And the zone name of a dns zone can get edited in the dns zone list in dns manager.
  5. macguru

    macguru Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Clients -> Domains -> Edit Domain -> field Domain xx.yy.zz.in-addr-arpa not editable.

    So is this correct way?
    Clients -> Add domain aa.bb.cc.in-addr-arpa, delete outdated xx.yy.zz.in-addr-arpa
    DNS -> Zone Settings -> Zone (SOA) -> Select domain aa.bb.cc.in-addr-arpa
    DNS -> DNS Zone -> Records -> Add Ptr

    Seems to work if I understood logic behind ISPConfig design correctly.

    PS. ISPConfig manual 2016-09-27 I have is the latest version?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  7. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    With domain control on, it should be:
    1. Clients -> Add domain aa.bb.cc.in-addr-arpa
    2. DNS -> Zone Settings -> Zone (SOA) -> Select domain aa.bb.cc.in-addr-arpa
    3. Clients -> delete outdated domain xx.yy.zz.in-addr-arpa
    You don't need to change any PTR records as long as the last octet in their ip address doesn't change (so if zz.yy.xx.123 was `mail.your.com`, and now cc.bb.aa.123 is `mail.your.com`, you don't need to touch the PTR record).

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