Outlook Client not working with Mail server

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by ste, May 1, 2008.

  1. ste

    ste New Member

    Done the CentOS Perfect LAMP server, ISPConfig
    Server>Router1>ISP Provider
    Clients(WinXPHome)>Router2(bridged)>Router1>ISP Provider

    Clients can:
    >access internet.
    >access Server http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (private IP)

    Server can:
    >assess shared files on Client
    >assess internet

    I need Clients to send/receive mail (for now) using Outlook express.
    (have not done smtp relaying yet)
    Configured OE with -
    POP3 :mail.example.com
    SMTP :mail.example.com

    client1 email:[email protected]
    client2 email:[email protected]
    Incoming POP3 server:mail.example.com
    outgoing SMTP server:mail.example.com
    account name:web13_aaa and web13_bbb
    outgoing mail server requires authentication=Yes
    connection=always connect to this account using LAN
    outgoing SMTP port=25
    incoming POP3 port=110

    error message when send/receive
    The connection to the server has failed.Account:'mail example' Server'mail.example.com'Protocol:pOP3.Port:110.SSL:no.socket error: 10060. Error number:0x800CCC0E

    same for outgoing SMTP port 25

    What am I missing, appreciate any help please
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Have you tried the server's private IP address? Maybe your router doesn't support loopbacks.
    Did you open the ports 25 and 110 in your router's firewall?

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