Done the CentOS Perfect LAMP server, ISPConfig Server>Router1>ISP Provider Clients(WinXPHome)>Router2(bridged)>Router1>ISP Provider Clients can: >access internet. >access Server (private IP) Server can: >assess shared files on Client >assess internet I need Clients to send/receive mail (for now) using Outlook express. (have not done smtp relaying yet) Configured OE with - POP3 SMTP client1 email:[email protected] client2 email:[email protected] Incoming POP3 outgoing SMTP account name:web13_aaa and web13_bbb outgoing mail server requires authentication=Yes connection=always connect to this account using LAN outgoing SMTP port=25 incoming POP3 port=110 error message when send/receive The connection to the server has failed.Account:'mail example' Server''ProtocolOP3.Port:110.SSL:no.socket error: 10060. Error number:0x800CCC0E same for outgoing SMTP port 25 What am I missing, appreciate any help please
Have you tried the server's private IP address? Maybe your router doesn't support loopbacks. Did you open the ports 25 and 110 in your router's firewall?