Hi, Folder names like sent or junk get translated (to users language) fine in TB or roundcube but not in outlook. Only the inbox get translated but not sent/junk... I tried it with adding XLIST to dovecot or special_use parameter in namespace - outlook simple does not want translate the sent/junk folder to users language. Only create the folders (on the server) with the user language works for outlook but than TB and roundcube have the problem (double folder for sent/junk...) Maybe it is possible to map this folders with dovecot special_use namespace parameter to /sent /junk... for the non outlook clients - but would be a "not nice" hack... Anyone ever found a solution for this? Thanks
ISPConfig 3.2.11p1 and devel (Maildir) on Ubu 22.04 - (German) Outlook 2016 and 2019 on Win11 If i patch Code: diff --git a/server/plugins-enabled/mail_plugin.inc.php b/server/plugins-enabled/mail_plugin.inc.php --- a/server/plugins-enabled/mail_plugin.inc.php +++ b/server/plugins-enabled/mail_plugin.inc.php (date 1708857494971) @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ $app->log('Created Maildir: '."su -c 'maildirmake -q ".$data['new']['quota']."S ".$maildomain_path."' ".$user, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } - +/* if(!is_dir($data['new']['maildir'].'/.Sent')) { $app->system->maildirmake($maildomain_path, $user, 'Sent', $group); } @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ if(!is_dir($data['new']['maildir'].'/.Junk')) { $app->system->maildirmake($maildomain_path, $user, 'Junk', $group); } - +*/ // Set permissions now recursive $app->system->exec_safe('chown -R ?:? ?', $user, $group, $data['new']['maildir']); $app->log('Set ownership on '.$data['new']['maildir'], LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); than it works fine in outlook but if the mailuser uses additional webmail or TB than webmail/TB adds /sent /trash ... again - lead to mixed sent/trash... folder Think there is no solution for this - it is outlook fault ("not translating the standard folder") Maybe a checkbox in the interface at Create Mailbox like "do not create standard folder" for users the only uses outlook and want the folders in their language would be a litte workaround . I ll check it on I Phone too on android email app it looks ok
I haven't checked it out yet, but is the Mailbox alias plugin something that may work in this case? More info here: https://doc.dovecot.org/settings/plugin/mailbox-alias-plugin/
Thanks for this info - didn't know this plugin. Tested a bit but i does not help so far. Outlooks prefers the /Sent folder (but don't translate it) over the localized folder name. Only if no /Sent folder is present than it takes or create the localized folder name. With the plugin it ends with double folder like: If no /Sent /Trash /Junk folder exists (on Server) at setup time but later (created from plugin or from webmail/TB) If /Sent /Trash exists (on Server) at setup time of the account in outlook I ll test a bit more but i don't have much hope Thanks for help
No - i tested with different clients/settings - but there is no better solution than how it works now in ispconfig. It is the client who need translate the folder sent/junk/... if it does not like outlook than "bad luck"