Over Quota notification to users

Discussion in 'General' started by NeeChee, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. NeeChee

    NeeChee New Member

    Hey all!

    I've been wondering if there's a way to notify users that their mailbox is (almost) over quota through a regular email or something... I've been searching for an answer to this but sofar no luck... Does anyone have any suggestions?

  2. voltron81

    voltron81 New Member

    It could be also great to have like a graphical view of the quota for each user...
  3. NeeChee

    NeeChee New Member

    True, but not exactly what I was looking for...
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Change the line in postfix master.cf:

    flags=R user=vmail argv=/usr/bin/maildrop -d ${recipient} ${extension} ${recipient} ${user} ${nexthop} ${sender}


    flags=R user=vmail argv=/usr/bin/maildrop -w 90 -d ${recipient} ${extension} ${recipient} ${user} ${nexthop} ${sender}

    and restart postfix. Now maildrop should sent a warning message when the mailbox is 90% full. The message text is taken from /etc/courier/quotawarnmsg (at least on debian and ubuntu). Create this file if it does not exist.
  5. voltron81

    voltron81 New Member

    Hi till,

    the line that you said to change is different in my installation... it is this one:
     flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/bin/maildrop -d vmail ${extension} ${recipient} ${user} ${nexthop} ${sender}
    as you can see it's different in the flags...
    Do I need to put the new line that you posted or one with flags=DRhu???

  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Just add:

    -w 90

    right after maildrop.
  7. NeeChee

    NeeChee New Member

    I've set the -w 90 flag, but even after 24 hours I get no notifications in my mailbox that is at 95% quota... The mailbox went over quota AFTER setting the flag.
  8. NeeChee

    NeeChee New Member

    Any other suggestions?
  9. voltron81

    voltron81 New Member

    [QUOTA] The message text is taken from /etc/courier/quotawarnmsg [/QUOTA]

    In which format I can write the message in that file?
    Can I use html?

  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Most likely it is text only. But you might want to take a look into the courier documentation for details.
  11. voltron81

    voltron81 New Member

    Ok I'll have a look.
    Last thing: after the modification of master.cf and after the creation of the file /etc/courier/quotawarnmsg, do I need to restart just postfix?

  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes. If you edit main.cf or master.cf, you have to restart postfix so that it picks up the new configuration.
  13. voltron81

    voltron81 New Member

    O till.
    I've created the file quotawarnmsg with the warning message.
    Do I need to setup any special permission on that file?
    At the moment is just:
    -rw-r--r--  1 root   root    2119 2010-03-17 11:48 quotawarnmsg

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