I am trying to install Owncloud as a site on ISPconfig 3 (Ubuntu 14.04 - "The Perfect Server") I actually have it up and running, but it reports errors with WebDAV: I created a WebDAV user for the site and there is a webdav folder (outside the web root), but I can't find much information about configuring WebDAV on ISPconfig 3 Does anyone have an idea? Thanks!
You have to remove the webdav user in ispconfig as it conflicts with the webdav implementation in owncloud.
Thanks for the help! I have removed the ISPconfig WebDAV user and now see in the logs: Yet Owncloud seems to be working
Hi, I trying to install owncloud on a website powered by ISPConfig 3. The ownCloud work as fine but it seems that webdav don't work correctly. 1. If I'm trying to access webdav from browser, I can connect. 2. If I'm trying to access from Windows Sync Client, I cannot connect. 3. If I install ownCloud on an identical server but without ISPConfig installed, it's working. 4. No webdav user is defined in ISPConfig I don't know how to debug this error. Can you help me to fix ? Thanks, Yannick
Add this in Apache Directive seems to be work : https://www.howtoforge.de/forum/thr...ttps-owncloud-uploadprobleme.7030/#post-36250