page redirect, directory moved

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by jmelon, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. jmelon

    jmelon New Member

    I'm almost done migrating a wordpress site for a friend but hit a bit of a snag and I'm not sure how to handle this.

    his old site is located in a directory /george
    so anyone who enters is redirected to

    The new site on my server does not use /george directory path.

    I need to know how I can redirect all requests coming to the /george path back to

    Should I just do an html redirect on the 404 error page to send people back automatically to or is there a way to do this via htaccess?

  2. jmelon

    jmelon New Member

    btw I tried this via .htaccess:

    Redirect 301 /dir/

    but it is not working. I'm using latest Debian/apache install with ISPConfig.

    My .htaccess file does not work in the root for some reason, it only works when it is in wp-admin directory.

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